Beautiful vacuity
Has stung a saddened heart
Proposing in the fortress
Of lost love charm;
a hornet
In its deepest cellar
Ties up tears
Of forbidden beggar
He who waits for answer
Of mermaid in cellar
Evacuates the heart
Of a sadness blast
She was never an appearance
Nor the sublime tremble
Her body is dirt
In a lake resemblance
In a cellar
The hornet
Plays a tune
And odes
To mermaid made of eyes;
Eternity forges
The answer came quick
In the palm made of rocks
Mermaid got married
To the laughter plots
Now words are born
In a frost of vacuity
Odour of life
Has found deity
Bliss nor death
Have joined souls
Mountain of dreams
Have stung the roads
Synthesis of hearts
Has joined once more
Mermaid and vacuity
The cellar to explore