Thursday, May 23, 2013

Agony in pores lit my palm, jinx of hurt vapours, my soul is a stunt of dr Moro's experiment, I salivate in portions of devoted arms, I hurt, I pray, I dance and I vain. Indicative weeps of warts of love. Algas of experience to food of grove stitches.
Purification scavenging lump of a Dead end sea, Ocean is sleeping down there, Wearing sand wings pollen has caged spark, One synchronised tilt of love, Pointy finger wearing moss, Arvo of sunrise in Austria, Locomotive murmur rippin dance of a pointy finger and the sand, Sand has scrolled down to the end of a Dead end sea.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

--Glittering wounds of syllable thorns, Through the veins of snow pervasive, Lucidity of eternity analysis. Where breath turns to immersion, Of Verse dispersion, Through water and ice, To landscape with mice, Torture of born solute in a soul of frowns, In my pupil suspension, Verse dispersion. Battle for massive stones, Stones of imaginary foams. --