Friday, July 8, 2016

Oh how dry my eyeballs are
So scarcely intrinsic in their sway
That i can opt for ice bruising them like crusts on snakes skin in summer

On the verge of pupils tenticles
They sway

One for air dirt
One for road dust
One for empty touch
One for seeing rust

Oh how dry my eyeballs are
Vicious night feeds them with fig jam
Echo boomerang thrown into them
Suffocating snowdrops on the mirror glance

Oh how dry my eyeballs are
Like a charisma cake drained in diamonds
So phenix can eat it
In its dream only

Oh how dry my eyeballs are
Whispering tunes in their pupils
Fly into abyss of screams of tongues
Tied up in the silky clouds in the sea of asking

On the verge of pupils tenticles
They sway

One for air dirt
One for road dust
One for empty touch
One for seeing rust

Oh how dry my eyeballs are
Tasting wine from the wells of honey
Cultivated in the nature of ridge and flow
Of Na wealth and the Holy Spirit

Oh how dry my eyeballs are
Youth hair in their colour
The Doors of Thunder and geometry
Bring them drops to come back to life

On the verge of pupils tenticles
They sway

One for air dirt
One for road dust
One for empty touch
One for seeing rust


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